“All In” for the 2022 Biodiesel Conference
The National Biodiesel Board is “All In!” for the 2022 National Biodiesel Conference and Expo coming up January 17-20 in Las Vegas. It’s the 30th year for the NBB, the 19th year for the conference, and the second year it has been held in Vegas, appropriately as the industry is coming up aces in the age of decarbonization...Read More
Biomass-Based Diesel Volumes on the Rise
The latest Short-Term Energy Outlook from the Energy Information predicts growth in biodiesel production through 2022. EIA expects biodiesel production will increase by nearly 4% this year and an additional 6% in 2022, driven largely by increasing RFS targets and the existence of the biodiesel production tax credit through 2022. EIA assumes future RFS targets will primarily affect...Read More
Future is Bright for Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel Feedstocks
Soybean oil has a long history as a vital feedstock for biodiesel, and more recently for renewable diesel, and it will likely continue to be. At the same time, newer sources of fats and oil are needed to feed the increasing demand for renewable energy plants coming on line. Alan Weber has been in the biodiesel business from...Read More
NBB Chair Proud of Biodiesel Industry
2020 was a tough year for everyone, but National Biodiesel Board Chairman Chad Stone is proud that the biodiesel and renewable diesel industry was able to rise and move forward despite the challenges. This was the second year as chair for Stone, who is Renewable Energy Group Senior Vice President for Commercial Performance. “We significantly increased our blend...Read More