Biomass-Based Diesel Can Lead in Carbon Reduction

Jenny Frank, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of renewable energy at the State University of New York College of Agriculture and Technology (SUNY Morrisville). She received her doctorate from the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY ESF). During the Clean Fuels Conference, Frank presented her research focused on quantifying the environmental, financial,…Read More

Two More Awards

Two awards were announced during the Clean Fuels Conference where the recipients were unable to be present to receive. The Industry Partnership Award this year goes to Diesel Technology Forum and Executive Director Allen Schaeffer. The Diesel Technology Forum is a not-for-profit educational organization of global leaders in advanced diesel engine, equipment and fuels technology. The Forum’s work focuses…Read More

Aviation, Rail, Heating and Marine Markets

How clean fuels can help meet decarbonization goals for planes, trains, boats and heating homes was the broad topic for a panel discussion moderated by Paul Nazzaro, president, Nazzaro Group. The panel pictured left to right next to Nazzaro:Merit von Eitzen, Senior Fuel Trader, Maersk Anthony Silecchia, VP Acquisitions & Industry Affairs, Star GroupTheresa Romanosky, Assistant General Counsel,…Read More