The Clean Fuels Inspiration Award was presented this year during the Vehicle Technology Showcase to Florida Power & Light Fleet Fuel Operations Manager Patti Earley.

Florida Power & Light operates one of the most sophisticated power grids in the nation, serving 12 million customers statewide. It also operates one of the largest and longest-known biodiesel-powered fleets in the country, with approximately 1,840 biodiesel-powered vehicles. FPL purchases more than 400,000 gallons of B100 annually, blending and maintaining it in two company-owned fuel terminals.
Behind the scenes of this operation, you’ll find Fleet Fuel Operations Manager Patti Earley. She was part of this year’s massive restoration efforts after Hurricanes Ian and Nicole struck the state, supplying over 700,000 gallons of B20 to the 22,000 workers helping to restore power. She also assisted with FPL’s voluntary response to the Northeast coast after Superstorm Sandy in 2012, hauling B20 from FPL’s facilities to help mitigate major fuel shortages in the area. With every disaster, biodiesel has been there when the electric grid is down and petroleum fuels have all but vanished, performing reliably in FPL’s Mobile Command Unit and all other diesel vehicles and equipment.
What makes Earley so inspirational, though, is her willingness to volunteer her time, energy and passion, even loaning FPL vehicles generously for educational events about biodiesel and mentoring other fleets. Earley has reached thousands of people, freely answering the call for leadership or help. She is a Certified Automotive Fleet Manager, an appointed member of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Emergency Route Working Group, as well as Past President of the National Association of Fleet Administrators, one of only five women to serve as president.